I don't wanna explain the conditions in a huge paragraph to waste your time, So let it be very clear (in Basic English for everyone to understand)
Terms and conditions of this site is simple..
1) Since the blog is not sponsored by Microsoft or any other companies, all the contents in this blog may or May not work for all the users, as it is not officially verified by tech giant.
2) Contents that involve registry editing and some advanced stuffs in general, should be done carefully by you(user), Me or this blog is not responsible for any incorrect editing or Other things (that could lead to your system at risk), So try at your Own risk,
However, If you wanna try something, then do it! if its success, then you learnt something, if it failed, then here too you learnt something! Yup!
We learn from Mistakes !.
3) Since the blog is written for educational purpose, you are free to share/ comment on the post, if you think it may help someone.
4) We need some money for Maintaining this site, so we are running Ads on our site. So You Should white list our site (In case, if you are running any kind of Adblockers) as it may help us provide more content and earn some money for Maintaining.
5) If you are a blogger/ Website Owner, and you wanna use our stuff, cool ! You can use all the contents, Only if you agree to provide credit/backlink to our site. But please don't copy/paste as it is.
consider taking 4 or 5 lines, and writing on your own style.
That's it..!
By agreeing to the above conditions, you are welcomed to use our site..
This terms and conditions are subject to change anytime with or without notice.