How to enable or disable single click mouse in windows 11 that's what we're gonna see in this post. Today, i received a question from one of our blog reader .. Logesh, i had accidentally changed some option to open files/windows from double click to single click mouse button , which is making my PC to open an item with a single click, though it was the one i actually want, this is not working on all options. So, can u guide me how to change this mouse double click in windows 11? in other words, i just want to turn off or disable single click on Windows 11. Thanks..
From his question, i understood that he made changes to File Explorer option, which made his PC to open all files on single click, if you are wondering, whether its possible? Yes! its possible you can change your mouse settings to open Windows/files on a Single click instead of Double Clicking. For example: if you want to open This PC on your Windows 11, you don't need to double click to open it. Just click once, it will open. How to do it? Do i need any Software or to make registry edits?
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No, You don't need to edit gpo, registry,etc just change one option, it will be changed. Just follow the below steps on your Windows 11 PC.