Kali Linux 2021.3 was now available for download and upgrade for free. As usual, there are couple of new tools released in this new edition of Kali 2021.3 version. Though i'm yet to Xplore the tools released in this version, as per the developers site, this are the tools that are added on this latest version: Berate_ap,CALDERA, EAPHammer , HostHunter , RouterKeygenPC, Subjack ,WPA_Sycophant (I had included the link as it is, so that you can Just click and view the tools directly from official servers).
Also Read :
How to check which version of Kali Linux your PC is currently Running on.[Beginner's guide]
Apart from the above tools, Offensive developers has also revamped kali tools site, So its a just a matter of click for you to view all the Pentest tools.
https://www.kali.org/tools is the new URL for the updated Site, just give it a try. There are few more improvements, which you can see by downloading or upgrading to Latest version(no more Spoilers) Period! So, without waiting further, let's get into our main post.
Note: You can Still use the instructions, mentioned on the post to upgrade your Kali OS (whichever version you already use) to latest version. I.e; Even if you use Kali Linux 2020.3 you can upgrade directly to Kali Linux 2021.3 with in minutes.
And As a Usual disclaimer, i used to Say, if you are unfamiliar with Kali Linux Operating System, but interested on pen test please try on VMware or VirtualBox first, before trying as Main OS. Else, you might need to bombarded the developers with basic questions, which are not welcomed by Community.
Great, here we go..
How to Upgrade to Kali Linux 2021.3 from any version
The upgrade Process is really Simple..
- Just open Terminal.
- Change yourself to Root. You can do that by typing Su and then Password of Root.
Also Read :Kali Linux live default username and Password changed - Here is the new one for all latest versions
Once, you had logged in as root, type the following Command and Hit Enter
apt update && apt -y full-upgrade
Or just type sudo apt update && sudo apt -y full-upgrade
Wait for few minutes, depending on your internet Speed and Servers Your PC will connect, you can expect your PC to install Kali Linux 2021.3 in 10-15minutes. The Upgrade time, will even be little bit higher.
So, wait for Sometime, and Once its installed restart your PC to enjoy Kali Linux 2021.3
Happy Breaking!