Kali 2021.1 Release date - When Kali linux 2021.1 is gonna release ? We have some info!

Kali 2021.1 Release date - When Kali linux 2021.1 is gonna release ? We have some info!

2021 has born, which means the people/ business community has to prepare for the future by releasing new versions of their product, (which they were developing on past couple of months to an year!) to the people they trust and people who trust them.! 

Kali Linux, which has a separate fan base when it comes to security community is ready for the upgraded next version named Kali Linux 2021.1! Yes,After rolling out successful 4 builds(2020.1, 2020.2, 2020.3 and 2020.4) on the past year along with major changes like Zsh replacement, and appreciated undercover mode) Looks like the developers are all ready for the release of this next edition!.

So, when this Kali 2021.1 is going to release and what are the new features? 

There are few information available like it will be mainly tool focused when it comes to the features and changes when i checked on their git repository and their site, but i will wait for the official reveal. No spoilers, Sorry!. If you are keen to learn, you are welcome to check this link

Regarding the release, the developers has said that they are planning to release Kali Linux 2021.1 on coming February month and the day is Tuesday!

Update: If you like to try before official release, then you can manually download and install kali linux 2021.1 available on weekly build section of Kali official site.

Update 2: The Official version is now available, download from kali.org :)

 Further details, will be updated on our website, once its available. In the meantime, if you wish then feel free to check this Related posts.

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