You will see "Sorry, we can't upload your picture right now. Try again in a little while - when you try to set custom pic on Xbox

Some Pages that you Should notice

You will see "Sorry, we can't upload your picture right now. Try again in a little while - when you try to set custom pic on Xbox

Sorry, we can't upload your picture right now. Try again in a little while this might be the message you will get on your Xbox when you try to upload custom gamer picture,custom club picture, custom club backgrounds and so on, Says Xbox forum. And this happens only after the latest update of March 27, 2020, reported many users. 

This might be a little bit irritating for gamer like you, and you might decide to move to PS, but Microsoft says, this is temporary and its only because to cope up with the ongoing demand. 

Here is what MS says..

As people look to gaming for social connection, Xbox is seeing record numbers across Xbox Game Pass, Xbox Live, and Mixer. To streamline moderation and ensure the best experience for the community, Xbox has made small adjustments. Some features like uploading custom gamerpics, club pics, and club backgrounds are temporarily disabled

So, what to do now? Currently there is no ETA on when this will be enabled now, but if you haven't updated then you can postpone it as old update users, say they are still able to upload those pics (not verified).

Just give it a try.

And Happy Gaming :) 

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