Github Cli might be your new developer tool - Download beta now available for Windows, Mac and Linux !

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Github Cli might be your new developer tool - Download beta now available for Windows, Mac and Linux !

GitHub, one of the biggest opensource repository has launched a new beta program called Github CLI a new move that will help developers a lot. Yes, if you are a developer who prefers to use command line interface then github cli will be the one for you. Now, available in beta you can install this new terminal right on your Windows, Mac and Linux PC's and start programming, viewing and cloning right on your desktop. 

Here are the some features of the Github cli :

1) Filtering lists as per your needs - You can filter lists you wanted without leaving the terminal.

2) Details at your glance.

Running gh issue view "issue number" will display the details of the issue directly on command line.

3) Pulling the data as per you needs 

Running gh pr checkout (issue number) will pull requests 

4) Last but not least, viewing Status works - You can also view the Status of the work.

As always, if you are stuck, then run gh help

If you wish to contribute, to this project then visit for more information.

You can read further more about GitHub CLI here on Official Site,