Activate New Calendar Preview app in Windows 10 Insider preview builds [How to guide]

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Activate New Calendar Preview app in Windows 10 Insider preview builds [How to guide]

Calendar preview app is now available...

Microsoft has debuted the all new calendar preview app on Windows 10 Insider preview build 19564.1000. This new redesigned calendar app attracted many users as it contained some new features along with an option to select nearly 34 themes as per user's wish. There are lot of users, who has contacted me and asked me how to turn on this new calendar app preview, so i'm writing this as a separate post.

OK, let's see How it is..

How to enable or turn on Calendar preview in Windows 10 [Guide] :

First, and foremost as this was released only as preview, you need to be in latest Windows 10 insider preview. i.e; Windows 10 Insider preview 19564.1000 or later.

You can check your Windows 10 version by running winver on Run command.

Once, you found you are using only the latest insider preview then its pretty easy.

1) Open calendar app.

Once you opened, it will directly ask whether you want to try this, if it didn't asked to you like for most users, then

Look for an option " Try the Preview".

Toggle it to Right side.

Activate New Calendar Preview app in Windows 10 Insider previews [How to guide]

That's it.

How to rollback to normal calendar app from Calendar preview ?

If you don't like the look of calendar preview app, then you can rollback to previous calendar app by simply toggling the above option to left side.

Hope it is helpful.