Stop fearing about Windows 7 End of Support Jan 14,2020 - Here is what will happen after Jan 14, 2020 deadline

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Stop fearing about Windows 7 End of Support Jan 14,2020 - Here is what will happen after Jan 14, 2020 deadline

Ever since Microsoft announced that, support for Windows 7 is coming to end on Jan 14,2020 and Windows 7 end of Support will not be extended, most number of PC users whom pretty much use their PC just for viewing videos online,browsing Writing DVD's, and for other entertainment stuffs started to fear/ worry like their world is going to end and they have to build new Windows 10 PC to carry out their daily tasks, and to survive. This is evident after i started reading some of the weird questions like What i'm Supposed to do now, Windows 7 end of Support count down has begun ?, i don't have money to build my new PC ! and i'm being diagnosed for disease(disease name removed for privacy)..Can Somebody help? and on various Microsoft and Other forums of other sites.

Can i still use windows 7 after 2020?

If you are a Windows 7 OS user, then have such type of questions like the one above or want to know what will happen after Windows 7 end of support / What does it mean ?, then i would say, the first thing you have to do after Jan 14,2020 is to stop worrying/ fearing. End of Support just means your PC won't be getting updates from Microsoft through Windows update after that particular date. It doesn't mean your PC won't work or your PC will start crashing after that time.  You can still use your PC without updates. Yes, there are users who will update their PC once in a blue moon and there exists also users who will never update Windows after the particular incidents like updating breaking one main component, and Microsoft delivering another update to fix kinda things happening right now.

Stop fearing about Windows 7 End of Support Jan 14,2020 - Here is what will happen after Jan 14, 2020 deadline

So, what about harmful persons like hackers will they able to hack my PC after Windows 7 end of support ? yes! hackers can still hack your PC even if you have updated your PC to Windows 10 or Windows 11 if you follow unsafe browsing activities like downloading content from unverified sources, allowing apps to use your location, microphone and installing the apps that contains lot of adware. Only if you started following healthy browsing habits(an opposite to above), you might escape from the eyes of them. Remember they just use bugs which are more than thousand left unpatched even today. Just google or bing windows 10 bugs or Windows unpatched bugs, you can see shocking results like bug being patched after 20 years. So, does it mean those bugs are actively used for 20 years ? might be. Does upgrading to latest versions fixed the bug? the answer might be no. Because they were discovered just now and are being discovered now and then.

 I'm bit confused do i need to upgrade to Windows 10, is it really necessary ? 

Let's go straight to the point If you have money and can afford to build new PC for Windows 10 then you should go ahead and upgrade because it has built in antivirus and couple of new features to protect you incase if you are one of the member of unsafe browsing habit community. But if you are know what you are doing Online person, then you no need to upgrade immediately, just use the same PC and upgrade when you have money to build new PC just install any antivirus and use browser like Chrome (Which has now promised that it will deliver updates till 2021) for some time though it won't protect you 100 % it can still protect you for atleast 20-50% if there is any issue. 

You can also install Windows 10 for free if you wish to try.

Remember, your World won't end, when Support for your PC ends !

Comment if you have any doubts.!

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