Microsoft Edge Chromium installs on a different language than Windows default language - Here is how to change default browser language

Microsoft Edge Chromium installs on a different language than Windows default language - Here is how to change default browser language

Microsoft Edge or Ms Edge Chromium was released yesterday, but there is an problem lot of users have complained that this new chromium based Microsoft Edge is getting installed on a different language than their Windows default language. To be more specific, If their Windows default language was English then Microsoft Edge chromium will be installed on Chinese or Spanish or sometimes an unknown language. So, in this post let's see how to change default browser language in Microsoft Edge Chromium. If you are the one who is experiencing the similar kind of issue then you can change language to English using the following steps.

There are two ways in which we can actually change the language, one is changing the language using the inbuilt settings and another one is downloading and installing it separately. We'll first see how to change the default language using inbuilt settings option.

Change default browser language in MS Edge Chromium [How to]

1) Open MS Edge browser.

2) Type edge://settings/languages in the address bar.

(Address bar is nothing but the tab where you will type,, etc)

3) Select the language of your choice example : English.

That's it.

If your language is not listed, then click on add language, which will be the first button on the top right corner sidebar.

4) Once its added, select Display Microsoft Edge in this language option.

Done :) 

If it didn't work, then try restarting the browser for couple of times, else download and install latest version of MS Edge directly on your PC.