Kali Linux 2020.1 set for late Jan release with major changes (Beta available now for download)

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Kali Linux 2020.1 set for late Jan release with major changes (Beta available now for download)

Kali Linux 2020.1 will be available for download from late January 2020 as the developers are gearing up for late January release. The interesting thing about Kali 2020 is it has lot of changes starting from the kali live. The default username and password for Kali 2020.1 has been now changed and you have to use the new one to enter into the system. Also, Starting this upcoming edition default root password policy has also been changed. It will be non-root by default. Meaning you will be forced to create non-root user with admin privileges whenever you are going to install this new Kali Linux OS. The developers argue that this change was implemented primarily because of two things.

1) Lot of users started using Kali for day to day life even apart from the pentest works.

2) More number of softwares/packages are working without requiring root access.

If you ask me is it wrong to work on Kali apart from Pentest works ? my answer would be definitely no!  Ofcourse, Kali was primarily created for Security focused persons, but when it was started developing based on debian Linux distro there is no need for users like us who knows kali well to use two different OS for day to day works that too by paying extra bucks.

I guess, just because of this kind of statements Kali started to set nonroot user by default 🤭🤭🤭

Here is why developer's don't recommend Kali for day to day life(a quote from Official site)..

All that said, we are still not encouraging people to use Kali as their day to day operating system. More than anything else, this is because we don’t test for that usage pattern and we don’t want the influx of bug reports that would come with it.
-Hope you got the reason now :)

However, for those of you that are familiar with Kali and want to run it as your day to day platform, this change should help you out a lot. For the rest of you, this should give you a better security model to operate under while you are doing assessments.

Other major change is, tools that need root access will now by default ask for admin privileges so you need to enter to your credentials again and again if you want fully protected PC, and if you don't need that, then the developers says you can disable kali asking for admin privileges everytime screen by simply entering dpkg-reconfigure kali-grant-root on terminal.

 The changes are now live on weekly and daily beta builds, you can download kali 2020.1 beta versions now on official site.

-Hope it is helpful.

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