How to fix Could not paste files - Permissions do not allow pasting files in this directory error in Kali Linux that's what we're going to see in this post. Recently i decided to change the wallpaper of grub bootloader (click to view) in my Kali Linux PC. After going through all the files i found where the grub bootloader loads the images for it. But unfortunately when i tried copying files to that directory to change the wallpaper i got an error "Could not paste files ! Permissions do not allow Pasting files in this directory" i was like what exactly happened and started searching various forums, but no avail there was no information that i found helpful. Then later i tried one simple dive, which allowed me to do the process in seconds. So, in this tutorial i will share how to override could not paste files permission error in Kali Linux, you can use this tutorial if you find difficulty in copy pasting the files to usr/share folder or any system folder.
You don't need any kind of software, all you need is the terminal with root access and some logic to be applied.
Enough said, let's see how to fix it.
!) Open terminal from the folder where you want to copy the files.
For example : If you want to copy the files to boot directory, then go to boot directory right click on the empty area of the folder, select Open terminal.
2) Escalate your permissions to root using su command.
3) Type your root password, and enter it will now display root@kali (or your pc name) : followed by the folder you are in.
Now type the following..
cp -r (your current folder directory) (file directory of where you want to copy the file)
For example : If you are copying file from downloads to boot folder then type
cp -r /home/lw/Downloads/sampleImage.png boot/themes
That's it.
It will fix the error message, Using the above message you can copy paste any file to any folder of your machine.
You can sign in to root but it is not recommended, as it will compromise your PC's security if you mistakenly edit some other files.
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You don't need any kind of software, all you need is the terminal with root access and some logic to be applied.
Enough said, let's see how to fix it.
!) Open terminal from the folder where you want to copy the files.
For example : If you want to copy the files to boot directory, then go to boot directory right click on the empty area of the folder, select Open terminal.
2) Escalate your permissions to root using su command.
3) Type your root password, and enter it will now display root@kali (or your pc name) : followed by the folder you are in.
Now type the following..
cp -r (your current folder directory) (file directory of where you want to copy the file)
For example : If you are copying file from downloads to boot folder then type
cp -r /home/lw/Downloads/sampleImage.png boot/themes
That's it.
It will fix the error message, Using the above message you can copy paste any file to any folder of your machine.
You can sign in to root but it is not recommended, as it will compromise your PC's security if you mistakenly edit some other files.
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