Now you need to enter your Date of birth on Instagram too as Instagram launches age verification..

Now you need to enter your Date of birth on Instagram too as Instagram launches age verification..

Instagram has finally rolled out age verification process to prevent underage people from joining the network. So, if you are creating a new user account in Instagram, then you need to enter date of birth and age from now on, the company said in its statement. As usual, the default age is set to 13 years.

If you re a existing Instagram user, you don't need to worry as of now, as you don't need to confirm your age now.

           "Your birthday will not be visible to others on Instagram, but you’ll be able to see it when viewing your own private account information"

This changes are now live for new account creators, the Officials quoted this step was taken to ensure the underage kids are safe on social networks, and they are continuously developing new features for better privacy and offer education based contents .

And as you guessed, this tech can be still bypassed by smart kids, as there are no verification happening in the background, but insider sources says, that the social network giant has formed a team to ban the accounts if they feel the user is underage based on various mechanisms, we hope it will flag now existing more than 1 million+ underage users.

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