Change desktop environment in Kali Linux Latest version [ How to Guide]

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Change desktop environment in Kali Linux Latest version [ How to Guide]

Change desktop environment in Kali Linux - How to, that's what we're going to see in this post. Recently we had seen the new undercover mode in Kali Linux 2019.4, one of our blog reader had contacted me through contact us page and asked "Bro, i had seen your guide on how to enable undercover mode in Kali Linux, there you had mentioned that this works only on xfce environment and we have to change our desktop environment from default one, so can you tell me how to do that (change desktop environment in Kali Linux)?, thanks in advance" that's what the question i received. So, i decided to write a separate post for that, so that it might be helpful for other persons as well.

Note: There might be lot of methods available for this, which might be difficult for the beginner i will share the simplest one.

How to change desktop environment in Kali Linux Latest version [Guide]

Changing this is very easy. All you need is another desktop environment like gnome, KDE, etc..

I assume you have another desktop environment already installed on your PC because it might be sometimes.

So, how to do that ? Just restart your System or logout the user. No, I'm not kidding! Just restart the system and wait for the system to load all the components. Now, while on sign-in/ Lockscreen it will ask for username right ? enter the user name and Hit enter. 

While on Password screen (Enter password screen) You might see settings icon. Click that, you will get the desktop environments installed on your PC.

Select the one you want to enter, for example : Xfce or gnome. Enter password as usual and Hit enter key.

That's it your system will load the desktop environment you had selected using this you can change gnome / xfce or to any other desktop in Kali Linux.

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