What is apt in Kali Linux and what apt command will do in Linux ?

What is apt in Kali Linux and what apt command will do in Linux ?

What is APT in Kali Linux ? this is the question i had in my mind when i first started using the command to update Kali Linux to latest version. I even don't know the full form at that time, and started blindly using the command at that time as my goal was just to start using the Kali linux for the purpose it was designed for.

Then later, i realized and as always say, Basics are important particular when it comes to master the Kali Linux to use what it was intended for. So, as part of the learning series let's see what is APT in Kali Linux in this post. As usual in simple terms...

What is apt command in Kali Linux ?

APT stands for Advanced Packaging Management, as the name says it was just another package Management tool. We all know that Kali Linux is based on Debian. So, like normal Package system Debian has its Own Packaging System known as Debian Packaging Management System, which is nothing but the one we normally see in running commands. You guessed it right. Its dpkg.

What's this APT will do is, it will interact with the dpkg file and will install the particular file on our system. i.e., if dpkg is the lower version, APT is the advanced version which combines all the available packages from all the sources and will do the job we asked it to do.

The one file that it will use at most cases is /etc/apt/sources.list because it contains all the source files. Just open it once you can find the all links it uses to update the sources.

Remember, it is not recommended to edit this directly if you want your system to be stable.

What is Sudo apt in Linux ?

Sudo is just a keyword we use for super user privileges. So, running sudo apt-get upgrade will upgrade your system to latest version of Linux using administrative privileges.

As, apt deals with management of sources, its always recommended to use sudo before running apt commands.

Apt also has different set of commands like apt-get.. So, run man apt on your terminal on your free time to learn the complete list, or Stay tuned, i will post those in other posts..

Hope it helps :)