Latest technology news happening Worldwide today : August 21,2019 is here..(Offsite Facebook , Facebook's privacy tool, Amazon Music smartwatch app and More)

Latest technology news happening Worldwide today : August 21,2019 is here..(Offsite Facebook , Facebook's privacy tool, Amazon Music smartwatch app and More)

Latest technology update news of today August 21,2019 :

1) Facebook is going to stop tracking you, if you request (Offsite Facebook) :

Offsite Facebook, to debut on Ireland, Spain and South Korea.

We all know Facebook logs all your information, (even after you logged out) and displays relevant ads based on the sites you visit on Facebook, and it caused Major Privacy concerns.

To address one of those concerns, Facebook has unveiled a new tool to disconnect you from your data. Ya you read it right!.

Named Offsite Facebook, this tool was believed to work in following way. 

"All your information will be stored as usual on Facebook data servers, but what facebook is saying is it was difficult to actually remove all those data. So, instead of removing your data from servers facebook says, it will disconnect your facebook account from the data" that means the collected data will be stored on its servers (which Facebook says for calculating Ad impressions, and so on) but your account will be delinked from serving those interest based ads (a kind of clearing your history).

Read complete information here..

Walmart to buy Tata cliq ?

If rumors are believed to be true, Amazon's competitor Walmart will soon strengthen its India Market, as Walmart was believed to be in talks with Tata group, which has its own e-commerce site tatacliq. As usual Spokesperson declined to comment.

Lighter version of Google GO now available..

Google Go was believed to make web browsing faster, and it has a feature that some love, retrieving the results when you back online. (If you are searching for something for example about and if your network is too bad, then it will save the search and will display the data once you are back online). The company has launched the lighter version of this App.

Amazon Music now available on Smartwatch..

Amazon Music was now available on selected Garmin Smartwatches. This was the first time Amazon Music features in Smartwatch as a separate app.

If you have Garmin watch, then you can download the app from here..

More news will be posted when available or tomorrows edition.