Latest tech news worldwide today - August 28,2019(Camscanner malware,iOs 12.4.1,Telegram's gram and more)

Latest tech news worldwide today - August 28,2019(Camscanner malware,iOs 12.4.1,Telegram's gram and more)

Latest tech news today - August 28,2019

Camscanner app contains malware..

Kaspersky team, has identified malware in one of the most popular user base app named CamScanner. THis app was found to have trojan served through advertisements.

Here is what they say..

Kaspersky products detect this module as Trojan-Dropper.AndroidOS.Necro.n, which we have observed in some apps preinstalled on Chinese smartphones. As the name suggests, the module is a Trojan Dropper. That means the module extracts and runs another malicious module from an encrypted file included in the app’s resources. This “dropped” malware, in turn, is a Trojan Downloader that downloads more malicious modules depending on what its creators are up to at the moment.
Google removed the app from its playstore, and urges users to uninstall the free version of the app immediately.

iOS 12.4.1 released to fix jailbreak.

After last month, security researcher pwn20wnd demonstrated that the latest iOS can be still jailbreaked, Apple has issued a new update to potentially fix the jailbreaking issue.

Read more about the information here..

Telegram sets deadline October 31,2019 to unveil "Gram" Cryptocurrency.

Telegram is set to release its cryptocurrency "gram" as per the latest report on nytimes. We have to wait to see the outcome as facebook's Libra is already in trouble from regulators.

More tech news will be updated soon.