NASA wants your Memories of Apollo 11 Landing..

NASA wants your Memories of Apollo 11 Landing..

Despite many conspiracies about moon landing (like the moon landing was completely fake, astronauts met aliens on the Moon,that's the reason people are not moving to moon, etc) NASA is ready to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11 coming July 20, 2019. As part of the celebration, NASA invites people to share their memories of Apollo 11 and about lunar exploration in their own words. 

If you are the one who have memories of Apollo 11 or if you know someone with one, then you can contribute to NASA's Oral project by recording an audio message and sending an email to .The best submissions will be reviewed by NASA and will feature on audio series (a part of oral history project).

The last date for submission is December 31,2019 but NASA says, submissions received before June 14,2019 will likely feature on the audio series.  If your message got selected then you will receive an email from NASA, so keep checking your email. 

You can record your story of many minutes, but NASA recommends shorter stories (Stories lesser than 120 Seconds). 

Some of the questions that you can answer...

If you remember the Apollo program ...

  • Where were you when humans walked on the Moon for the first time? Describe who you were with, what you were thinking, the atmosphere and how you were feeling.
  • What was your life like in 1969?
  • Do you remember learning about space in school? If so, what do you remember? 
You can read more details, terms and conditions on official site (Click to view)