Google Plus is Shutting down today ! - Here is how you can download your data if you have any..

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Google Plus is Shutting down today ! - Here is how you can download your data if you have any..

In case, if you don't know what Google plus is..

Google Plus or shortly G+ is one of the social networking kind of web service offered by Google. This Service was introduced by Google nearly 8 years ago, and today is the final shut down date [April 2, 2019]. Though, Google started alerting bloggers, and other google plus users about the shut down, through various medium like emails, and notifications, a lot earlier, this news still seems to be surprising for some users who rarely use this service.

So, what's next ? Incase, if you wish to download your precious data, then google advises us you to do immediately, as the deletion of data process will start soon.

So, how to download Google plus data after/before shutdown..

As usual, Google made this process very simple to its users.

All you need to do is follow the below steps..

1. Go to Download your data page [Click to visit the page].

"It will display "Your Account, Your Data" page, if not makesure you signed in.

2. By default, all your data will be selected, if not, just select the check boxes and click on Next Step.

3. Now, google will ask you to select how you want your data, like creating Archive.

Just select the preferred delivery method of your data for you. Google provides multiple options like "Sending through email",Add to drive, Add to dropbox,etc for this.

4. Select the file type, you want by default .Zip will be selected.

5. Select the Archive size, and click on Create Archive option.

That's it.. Google will display progress when its complete and you see the progress on the same page.

Remember, Google is shutting down only this service followed by Inbox, and it willn't affect other services like Gmail, Hangouts,etc..