Get ready to get Spammed on WhatsApp ! - WhatsApp Business is Coming very fast than expected

Get ready to get Spammed on WhatsApp ! - WhatsApp Business is Coming very fast than expected

WhatsApp, the popular messaging app which claims to have over 1 Billion Users all over the world, is going to take its business to next level by launching WhatsApp for Business. 

Though, the company has not officially released the news about it, I found this news On 
WhatsApp Official Website FAQ.

Get ready to get Spammed on WhatsApp ! - WhatsApp Business is Coming very fast than expected

The page titled Verified Business Accounts, Confirms the news that WhatsApp is going to allow business persons to Contact you, directly through Ads or in the form of Images, or stickers (Which WhatsApp is going to release so soon)

That Page states, that users can identify the contact as Business account by a greentick Mark near to the Contact name. 

Here is the Copy of the FAQ, you can also visit the Offiical Link to view on Official Site.

WhatsApp is exploring ways for you to communicate with the businesses that matter to you. 
Some business accounts have been verified by WhatsApp. If you see a green badge  next to a contact's name, it means that WhatsApp has confirmed that the phone number of this contact belongs to a business account.
WhatsApp will also let you know when you start talking to a business via yellow messages inside a chat. There is no way to delete these messages from the chat.
If you already have a business's phone number saved in your address book, the name you will see is the name you have saved in your address book.
If you don't have a business's phone number saved in your address book, the name you will see is the name the business has chosen for themselves.
If you'd like to stop a business from contacting you, you can block them.
Note: WhatsApp business verification is currently limited to a small number of businesses participating in a pilot program.

Credits : WhatsApp

Insiders says, that you can also confirm the account as verified Business account on the chat screen, as well as contact screen.

So, On the chat screen you can see text like "This Chat is with a Verified Business Account. Tap for More info",  and also in the contact screen you can see. " To help you connect with Businesses, we have verified that the Business account you're Chatting with Belongs to WhatsApp "

using that you can confirm that account is actually one of the Verified Business account.

Eventhough, WhatsApp is rolling out this kind of features only to attract more users, but how WhatsApp if going to tackle the problem of its existing WhatsApp users  (who use 
WhatsApp Only because its clean, and neat ad free environment )from leaving WhatsApp 
remains a question😇😇