Microsoft had released an yet another update to PC's running insider build and Windows 10
Creators Update RTM build. This culmulative updates are named as KB4016251 ,
KB4016252. They doesn't add new features, instead they were served to fix the existing
bugs, so that they can gear up for the final general public release. After installing updates,
your build number will change.
So, what update is for slow ring and what for fast ring ?
if you are in slow ring then you need to download KB4016251 and if you are in fast ring
then you need to download KB4016252.
If you wish to download, then you can use the regular approach of visiting settings ->
update and security -> Check for Updates.. or you can download using the download links
provided in this post..
Just click on the link to download.
Remember, your build number will change after installing the above updates and will
Require restart...
If you are in Fast ring, then your build number would become 15063.14 and if you were in
slow ring then your build number would become 15063.13
Nothing else..
Hope it is helpful.
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