Windows 10 insider preview 15055 - Store not working and broken not installing apps [0x80070002] [FIXED]

Some Pages that you Should notice

Windows 10 insider preview 15055 - Store not working and broken not installing apps [0x80070002] [FIXED]

Windows 10 insider preview 15055 - Store not working and broken [FIXED]

We people know that, Microsoft is working hard to include features of Windows 10 creators 

update in the insider builds, though most of the features are at final stage, and some of 

them are dropped like My People app, more number of bugs continue to raise in the 

preview builds and of those many are unexpected .

One of the bugs seen on Windows 10 insider preview 15055 is Windows 10 store got 

broken it will fail with error code 0x80070002 which is pretty well known.

if you are experiencing this bug, then here is a simply fix that may solve your problem.

Windows 10 insider preview 15055 - Store not working and broken not installing apps [0x80070002] [FIXED]

What you need to do ?

Simply, reset the store cache.

How to do it..?

Simply, follow the below steps..

How to solve the 0x80070002 store failed to install apps error

1) Login to your Windows 10 PC.

2) Go to settings

3) Click on Apps

4) Choose Apps & Features

5) Select store

6) Now, again Advanced Options -> Reset

The above solution will work for you...

But please note, that this will stop updates from store, so the best solution from Microsoft 

was to simply uninstall and reinstall the particular App.

Hope it is helpful.

Updated on March 13,2017

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