WhatsApp text status will make a return this week for Android Users !

Some Pages that you Should notice

WhatsApp text status will make a return this week for Android Users !

WhatsApp introduced its new status story feature to mark its 8 th birthday on FEB 24,2017. The

birthday became a sad one, as WhatsApp plan of making people stick with the new feature failed, as

majority of users want their text status back .!

You can open the About section of your profile to set your text Status, and view other people’s by opening their contact when starting a new chat or looking at group chat info

Personally, i too felt bad, of the My status feature as old text status was worth than this new one. Last

week, i got my old text status feature back on my beta version.

The old text status feature was seen

on the contacts screen ( the window that opens when you click on the green icon located on the

bottom right corner of the chats screen). i can write my status same as the old version that is, by

visiting profile screen/tab. There was also an About option under privacy settings which gives us the

option to choose who can view our status updates like Everyone, My contacts, No One.

The next question that could arise in your mind would be what happened to that new introduced one

??, is WhatsApp removed the new My status feature that automatically destroys after 24 hours ??,

No ! the new status feature is available as it is on Status tab. You can still post the picture status

using that my status feature. And if you need to post text status you can post it by visiting the profile

tab/ screen ( the window you use to change your profile screen).

WhatsApp has not revealed the exact details about the update date, but they said,this text status

feature will be available for android users this Week, and will be released for iPhone users any time


Get ready for the Update ✌✌...