CD Drive and DVD drive not working or detected in Windows 10 [FIX]

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CD Drive and DVD drive not working or detected in Windows 10 [FIX]

CD Drive and DVD drive not working or detected in Windows 10 [FIX]

you May encounter some serious problems while you do the first time upgrade to the 

Windows 10 from previous Windows installations like Windows 7. One of the issues i 

encountered during upgrade on one of my friend's PC was his DVD drive not detected after 

he upgraded, i checked the device manager and there was nothing there, but i know his 

DVD drive worked because we are just copying files right before upgrade process started.

We downloaded the latest drivers for the DVD drive, but it doesn't worked ! I checked under 

BIOS settings but that too was normal. I also checked the registry key responsible for the 

CD drive located on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} and deleted upper limits and lowerlimit 


But everything fails,! finally i searched online for some help, and the solution provided on 

Support site helped me..

If you are facing a similar kind of issue, which is DVD drive went undetected after windows 

10 upgrade or your dvd drive not showing under device manager in Windows 10, then 

follow the step i shown in the post, this may work for you too.

What you need to do before proceeding with my steps..

1) Check whether your BIOS have the DVD drive facilty, if it was disabled, then enable it.

2) Download and install latest version of your dvd driver

If you need any details, about that kindly search google or bing your manufacturer name 

followed by dvd driver. Every manufacture have different instructions, so follow as per your 

manufacturer instructions listed on the manual or their website.

OK, if everything you tried failed, like mine, then follow this steps..

CD Drive and DVD drive not working or detected under device manager in Windows 10 [FIX]

3) Run CMD as administrator

CD Drive and DVD drive not working or detected in Windows 10 [FIX]

[Helpful link : How to run cmd as administrator in Windows 10 ]

4) Type the following command and hit enter.

reg.exe add "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\atapi\Controller0" /f /v EnumDevice1 /t REG_DWORD /d 0x00000001

5) Hit enter.

6) Restart your PC.

The above command will create a new DWORD and a key under that controlset,services,etc which is a lengthy process if we did using regular approach,  that is a short version you can do it by a single line of code that will work for sure.

You will see your DVD drive back again in your device manager.

Hope it is helpful.


Updated on March 13, 2017

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