Windows Screen is flickering or flashing after logging in [After Office Update ][Fixed]

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Windows Screen is flickering or flashing after logging in [After Office Update ][Fixed]

If you are experiencing  a screen flickering issue, which is described as , windows

background going black and after some time it will come back to normal, and again after some time,

the issue keeps on repeating the same black and normal process...

This screen flickering issue was seen on Office 16.0.7668.2066 released on the period between Jan 2

5, 2017 to Jan 30, 2017.

So, if you are facing the issue, then you are more likely on that build. So what you need to do to fix

the error is to update your Office to latest version.

To do, just follow the following simple process..

1) Run CMD As Administrator.

[See : How to Run Cmd as Administrator]

2) Type the following command and hit enter.

for /r "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\root" %i in (GROOVEEX.*) do ren "%i" *.bad

If the screen doesn't stop after running the above command, run the below command too...

However, if the screen flickering has stopped, then skip the below for/r..,etc command..

for /r "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\root" %i in (GROOVEEX.*) do ren "%i" *.bad

3) Now, after completing the Step 2 command, type the below command and hit enter..

which will automatically update your Office [type the following command including that starting "]

"C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\ClickToRun\officec2rclient.exe" /update USER ForceAppShutdown=True

4) After running the above command, your error will be fixed...

5) Restart or Reboot your PC..

You can see your error fixed now...

Hope it is helpful..

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