Windows 10 insider preview PC build 15019 - Download screen Stuck at initializing [SOLVED]

Windows 10 insider preview PC build 15019 - Download screen Stuck at initializing [SOLVED]

Windows 10 insider preview which has been released for Windows 10 insiders today have a strange

issue on the update screen. When you searched for an update, then as per its program Windows will

search for the  update on the Microsoft servers to download.. But what the problem was it just stops

at initializing screen for long time without any download.. So if your PC stuck at initializing screen

then here is a way you can solve it...

Just follow the below steps..

1) Open powershell

2) Type the following command

Restart-service WinRM

Windows 10 insider preview PC build 15019 - Download screen Stuck at initializing [SOLVED]

3) Hit enter

4) Close the powershell

and try checking for updates again, you will see the problem fixed now, as it will start downloading the Windows insider build 15019 build operating system...

That's it...

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Error 0xC1900401 and "build not yet available" in Windows 10 Insider preview 15019 [Solved]