Windows 10 Creators Update preview build 15002 leaked Online

Windows 10 Creators Update preview build 15002 leaked Online

Looks like Microsoft needs some more special attention to stop its preview builds from being leaked

online! Since most of us are waiting for the Windows 10 Creators Update, it seems we don't need

any more surprises, as the leaked versions of the future update of Windows 10, Windows 10 Creators

Update is revolving around the internet.

This build was numbered to be 15002.

Some fellow friends told me, that this version build is this week's cancelled build of  Windows

10 Creators Update Insider preview. But i don't know whether its true or not..

Here is a chance for you,

If you want to download or try this version of Windows 10 insider preview, then you can do it by

downloading from this mega file [link] [opens in a new window]..

Windows 10 Creators Update preview build 15002 leaked Online - Yes ! they did it again

How to install Windows 10 creators update leaked build 15002

Since Installing leaked versions are not recommended for beginners, i don't like to share the full

steps behind it..


If you are a Windows enthusiastic then, you are given an opportunity to install..

Note : I Assume you as an intermediate level of PC user, so here i only shared some simple steps that

will help you to install only if you are intermediate or Advanced user..

1) First, you need any Windows 10 ISO Image, you can use the old windows 10 ISO files too...

2) Make the image bootable like you prepare for clean install, you can use the softwares like Rufus ..

3) After successfully writing, open the USB or the device that has the bootable ISO ( you created on step 1)

4) There will be a Sources folder and inside there will be a file named install.wim replace the file with the file you downloaded.

5) Now, plugin your drive and install the Windows 10 as usual.

Some users, said they can't login to the PC after clean install, here is how you can do it..

6) We are going to use the same hidden trick that we use to unlock the Windows 10 password.

7) Boot your PC with installation media and while on Install screen, Press Shift + F10 keys..

8) Open notepad, by simply typing Notepad and hit enter

9) Click File -> Open and navigate to C:\Windows\System32

10) Scroll down and delete the utilman.exe

11) Now, again copy the cmd.exe and rename it as utilman.exe  -> Reboot..

Now, enable the User account..

12) While on the login screen, you will find utility screen / Ease of access option, click on it..

13) It will launch cmd

14) Type net user administrator / active:yes

15) Hit enter

That's it..

Use it through the super admin account..

Hope it is helpful..

Forget this leaked Version  !, Microsoft now officially released Windows Insider Preview 15002 for PC [Click to read that article]