Launch windows update windows 10 - How to start Windows update on Windows 10 [Beginner's GUIDE]

Launch windows update windows 10 - How to start Windows update on Windows 10 [Beginner's GUIDE]

Launch windows update windows 10 - How to start Windows update on Windows 10 [GUIDE]

If you are having any issues in your PC, then what i and Microsoft Support team will ask you to do is

to just update your windows 10 and check whether the problem persists.. But majority of us fail

to instruct users on how to update windows 10 laptop or PC, which is a huge mistake performed by

most of us... So , in this post i like to show how to start windows 10 update in windows 10.

Do you need any software ??

No, we don't need any software to do this task..

then, how to do it ?

Just follow the below steps..

How to start Windows update in windows 10

You must know the fact, that there are many ways available for you to launch windows update in

windows 10, for example : you can launch windows update from command line, you can launch

windows update from run, you can launch windows update windows 10 and you can also launch

windows update even from powershell , etc..

But, since you are a beginner i like to show the easiest way in this post..

1) First open settings app.

[See : How to open settings in Windows 10]

2) When you opened Settings App, click on Update & Security

3) Clicking on it, will open a new window with Windows update on the left pane,

Now, your job is on right pane, so look on your right pane and find the option called "Check for


4) Connect your PC/laptop to internet and

5) Click on that Check for updates button.

That's it..

Wait for some time, your PC will start updating your PC.

Restart when it asks..

[See : how to reboot or restart your Windows 10 PC]

Updated on JAN 27, 2017

Are you a beginner ? then below is a link to find all the beginner articles that may help you in

various stages and in mastering basics of Windows 10, just click on the below link to view..

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