Microsoft Edge browser where it is located ? and how to open Microsoft Edge in windows 10?

Microsoft Edge browser where it is located ? and how to open Microsoft Edge in windows 10?

Microsoft Edge browser is the new web browser introduced when Windows 10 was 

introduced. This Edge browser have lot of features that were not found in other popular 


Many of us know there exists such browser, but we don't know where it is located ? and 

how to open it in windows 10.

So, in this post let's see how to open Microsoft Edge browser in windows 10..

Do we need any software?

No,we don't need any software to find it..

Where is Edge browser in windows 10 located ?

The edge browser is located on


OK, then how to launch it ?

In that folder, you will see the Microsoft Edge.exe file, we can launch it from there.. But 

unfortunately we can't launch the edge browser directly from there on some editions,

Microsoft Edge browser where it is located ? and how to open Microsoft Edge in windows 10?

So, then what is the way ?

Just follow the below steps..

There are many methods you can use to open Microsoft Edge Browser in Windows 10 like 

Powershell, command line,etc.. But since i assume you as a beginner i like to show only the 

easiest way to open it..

1) Login to your Windows 10 PC

2) Press Windows(logo) Key on your keyboard

3) Type Microsoft Edge

4) When you finished typing, you will see a top most result "Microsoft Edge", and below that 

there will be a text like "Microsoft recommended browser"

5) Just click on it..

It will open the browser...

That's it..

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