How to disable game mode bar displayed while playing full screen games in Windows 10 Creators Update

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How to disable game mode bar displayed while playing full screen games in Windows 10 Creators Update

How to disable game bar displayed while playing full screen games in Windows 10 Creators Update..

In our last post, we had seen how to disable game mode notifications in windows 10 in Windows 10,

in this post, let's see how to disable game bar that displayed while playing full screen games..

Why this displays only on some games..?

You may had seen this game bar displayed only on some games, this is because it was programmed

to work only on Microsoft verified games. So, if this was displayed automatically then that's because

the game was verified by Microsoft and you may had an option that we are discussing on this post


So, how to disable it ?

Just follow the steps below..

1) Open Settings

[helpful link : How to open settings using different methods in Windows 10 ]

2) Click on Gaming

3) Selecting gaming will open the new window, with many options like Game bar, Game DVR, Broadcasting,etc..

4) Click on Game bar on the left pane.

5) Now, on your right pane find the option "Show Game bar when i play full screen games 

Microsoft has verified "

How to disable game mode bar displayed while playing full screen games in Windows 10 Creators Update

6) Uncheck the box..

and close the window..

You will no longer the game bar displayed while playing full screen games..

That's it...


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