[FiX] Incorrect user name in C:\Users\(Wrong name) in Windows 10 - Can't rename C:\users [Solution]

[FiX] Incorrect user name in C:\Users\(Wrong name) in Windows 10 - Can't rename C:\users [Solution]

How to fix the wrong username in C:\Users folder of Windows 10..

Windows 10 the most branded operating system from Microsoft had some minor issues with it.. While most of them are automatically corrected by itself, some needs our efforts to rectify the issue.. Of those issues, today i came across a different issue.. Incorrect user name on C:\ users directory. My PC user name was "XX" but the users folder have a different name in it, i would be satisfied if it had displayed at least "X" but i appeared a completely different name like "Y".. Which brought many problems while installing applications, creating projects in Android studio,etc....

I decided to change username in C:\users but as per its rules, it doesn't permitted me to do those things so i changed using the different approach that finally solved my problem.

if you are experiencing similar kind of issue then here is a guide that may help you.. Note: the best advice is creating new user account and then migrating the folders, as its more or less its corrupted. However if you still feel, you need to fix it then one best way is changing through super admin permissions. Just follow the below steps.

Fix - Can't rename C:\Users\ folder in Windows 10

1) First, RUN CMD as Administrator.

Don't know how it is ,? don't worry here is a helpful link...

[Check it : How to run cmd as Administrator in Windows 10]

2) After you ran CMD as Administrator, type the following command

net user administrator /active:yes

3) Hit enter

4) You will get command created successfully message., if you got System 5 error, then you had launched cmd, but not as admin .Re follow the steps and do them correctly..

5) Now, sign out from your account, and login to the new user account "Administrator"  you see on login screen.

[FiX] Incorrect user name in C:\Users\(Wrong name) in Windows 10 - Can't rename C:\users [Solution]

6) After sign-in go to your C:\users and rename the folder now, you can rename the folder now..

Rename it to your username and sign out from the user account..

7) Now, go back to your previous user account, follow the step 1,

and type net user administrator /active:no

8) Hit enter..

9) Close your window, you can see it was changed..

That's it..

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