Find Directx version in Windows 10 -How to check or find directx version in Windows 10 PC [guide]

Find Directx version in Windows 10 -How to check or find directx version in Windows 10 PC [guide]

In our last post, we had seen how to download directx 9 for old games, but many of our blog

readers asked me, OK, i can download it using the method you said, but how can i download it when

i don't know whether directx is installed on my PC or not?

This seems a valid question for me, because it is necessary to know about the directx version that

resides in our PC before downloading such thing...

So, in this post let's see how to check directx version in windows 10.

Is very simple, just follow the below steps to find the directx version of your PC.

1) First, Sign-in to your Windows 10 PC.

2) Press Windows + R Keys.

3) Type dxdiag

4) Hit Enter /Click OK.

It will open dxdiag diagnostic tool

[See: Directx Diagnostic tool in Windows 10 - What it means and how to open dxdiag.exe in Windows 10 [Guide]]

Find Directx version in Windows 10 -How to check or find directx version in Windows 10 PC [guide]

You will get your directX version of your PC, there on the System tab, which would be Directx12 if

you are in Windows 10.

That's it...

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