Beware! Extensions in Microsoft Edge won't work on Windows insider preview 15019

Beware! Extensions in Microsoft Edge won't work on Windows insider preview 15019

Windows insider preview 15019 was released on fast ring. But the issues of this build is constantly

increasing, of those many issues, Microsoft Edge is maintaining its place on every build Microsoft

releases, because of its constant improvements..

In the today released insider preview  15019 many users seemed to be reporting about one issue

apart from 0xC1900401 issue, that is, Extensions in Microsoft Edge is not working after upgrading

to 15019 insider preview..

The only helpful solution i can give is, to be patient or roll back to your previous build. Because

Microsoft had already stated, that extensions in Microsoft will load, but won't work as expected.

In a blog post published today,

Microsoft stated,

         Extensions in Microsoft Edge do not work in this build. Extensions may appear to load but will not function as expected. This issue should be fixed in the next Insider release build we release. If you depend on extensions in Microsoft Edge, we recommend skipping this build.

So, if you are thinking about why extensions are not working on this build, then that's the answer for

your question..

Wait, for the next build or just roll back to your previous build if your work depends on the

extensions alot..

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