Don't forget Jan 24 if you are a gamer ! - Watch Dogs 2 is free to play on JAN 24,2017

Don't forget Jan 24 if you are a gamer ! - Watch Dogs 2 is free to play on JAN 24,2017

If you are a fan of Ubisoft products mostly of course, they are games, then it's time to rejoice..

Ubisoft is giving a free trail of its most anticipated game of last year Watch dogs 2. Most of us wish

to play such games because they contain high graphic, and some nature simulating engines like how

to do, what they think,etc...But sadly, many don't get a chance to play only because of their high

pricing plans, and some hardware configuration issues.

Some, of might have searched Online to download watch dogs 2 for PC or XBOX One, but it won't

work for most of us, as they have implemented Denuvo in watch dogs 2 game which will prevent

such type of cracks and illegal use of the game..


Though, its perfectly normal to price those games to high, as they spent lot of works on the

make it more powerful than ever.

UBISOFT has announced that their game will be free to play for upto 3 hours on XBOX One and PC

on Jan 24,2017 and that to a full version of the game..!

You may ask how it will benefit the company,? here is a simple explanation.

If they had allowed 3 hours of the game, then it would attract more customers apart from some

uploading some copies of the game Online!

They would have belived that this game,since it's amazing will bring more subscriptions..

We don't need to care about the companies startegies , just go and enjoy the game..

Good luck..

[The Post was last updated on JAN 24,2017]