Windows 10 Support end date - Beware Your Windows 10 is going to end on...! [Updated]

Windows 10 Support end date - Beware Your Windows 10 is going to end on...! [Updated]

Windows 10 Support end date - That's what you must keep in you mind when you planned to

upgrade or install windows 10. Because the support end date decides everything on your machine. In

terms of Microsoft that's true, because Microsoft whenever releases its new operating system it also

frames its support end date, so if you have questions on how long windows 10 will be supported ?

 (or) When the Windows 10 support ends? then here is an answer for that question.

As said earlier, Microsoft will release the support end date for operating system whenever it releases.

With the latest end of support came to windows 7 on Jan 13,2015 and the next on the list is Windows

8 end support ends on Jan 9,2018..Windows 10 would be the next eye.

The date for Windows 10 Operating system designed by Microsoft will end  on Oct 13,2020 (

Mainstream support),i.e., mainstream support of windows 10 ends on OCT 13,2020 and Extended

Support for Windows 10 ends on Oct 14,2025.

What is Mainstream Support and What is Extended Support ?

Mainstream support and extended support in windows may resemble the same but they are actually


I can say Mainstream support is you are buying a product and after sometime you don't like the

product 's design and decided to return and the shopkeeper accepts it.. If the shopkeeper argues that

he/she cannot take the product again (You can only use that product), then  it is called extended


The same cases, applies to Windows , in Main stream support, you can request to change a design

product design and its features, you will get security updates regularly, Complimentary support that

includes licenses related supports, Paid support ( including pay-per incident and essential)

But when it comes to extended support, some of the options are limited , for example : you cannot

request a change in product, design,etc..., Non-security updates will be delivered only with extended

hotline support, and they will say no complimentary supports..

With Microsoft already releasing Upgrades in different forms like Windows 10 Creators Update, and

further builds in near future till 2020 every can use your PC for sure till the extended

support end date.

Hope it is helpful

Note : The Article was last Updated on December 19,2016

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