Show Quota settings : How to limit hard disk space for user in Windows 10 [Guide]

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Show Quota settings : How to limit hard disk space for user in Windows 10 [Guide]

Enable Quota settings in Windows 10 - That's what we gonna see in this post - Works on Windows 10

Creators Update, Windows 10 Anniversary Update, and other editions of Windows like Windows 10

earlier builds like Aug 2015 and Nov 2015 builds.

If your PC has more than 1 user account and if you wish to limit the hard disk space for every user,

then you can use this option to limit hard disk space for user in windows 10. For example : If you

have hard disk space of 20 gb and you need 15 GB and want to prevent or limit the hard disk space

from using others, then this would be the one to go for..

Do we need any software ?

No, you don't need to download software to limit hard disk space for user in Windows 10, just follow

the below steps..

1) Open file explorer

[Where is Windows explorer in Windows 10 located and how to find the file explorer [For beginners]]

2) Right click on the drive you want to limit hard disk.

3) Select properties

4) It will open a new window, with general tab as first option, click on Quota tab.

5) Click on the Show Quota Settings

Show Quota settings : How to limit hard disk space for user in Windows 10 [Guide]

6) Select or click the Enable Quota Management Check box

7) Click on the Deny disk space to Users exceeding Quota limit to deny disk space

8) Type the size of data you wish to limit  on Limit disk Space to : for example :

If you want to deny space after 2 gb then type the data 2gb there, you can also warn the users when

they reach that particular limit.

9) Click on Quota entries

10 ) Select the User you wish to limit the quota for..

11) Enter the quota for the user on the window (Refer step 6)

12) Click Apply

13) Click OK.

That's it..

Works on all Windows 10 laptops and Windows 10 desktops.

That's the end of this post..

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