Print Queue in Windows 10 - How to see what's printing in Windows 10 [Guide]

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Print Queue in Windows 10 - How to see what's printing in Windows 10 [Guide]

Print Queue in Windows 10 - How to see what's printing..- That's what we gonna see in this post..

In our last post, we had seen how to add a printer in windows 10, in this post let's see how to view

the print queue in Windows 10.

If you wish to know how to find what's printing or What's next going to print (in queue) then, i hope

this guide may be useful for you..

Do we need any software ?

No, we don't need an software to find print queue in windows 10..

then, how can if find it ..?

Just follow the upcoming steps..

1) Press Windows Key

2) Type devices and printers

3) Select the top most result, Devices and printers (Control panel)

4) It will open the devices connected to your PC.

5) Right Click on your printer device.

6) You will see different options, like Open, open in new window, See what's printing, set as default,etc..

7) Click on See what's printing..

You can find the print queue there..

That's it..

Hope it is helpful.

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