How do i keep my computer up to date in Windows 10 [Solved]

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How do i keep my computer up to date in Windows 10 [Solved]

How do i keep my computer up to date in Windows 10 - This is the question one of my friend asked

me.. He wished to know the way, that will update my computer for free, so here in this post, let's

see how to keep your Windows 10 up to date.

why is it important to keep your computer updated ?

Keeping your computer updated is essential because,  your operating system may be sometimes

served with bugs that are undiscovered or discovered. What they will do to fix the bug or error is

through this update.. the update differs from Application to application. But more commonly

updating the computer simply denotes the bug fix..

OK,but how to update my windows 10 desktop or laptop..?

Just follow the steps...

In Windows 10 PC, microsoft had included an option that does the job for us, which means windows

update can't be turned off unless some methods are followed. So normally when connected to

internet windows 10 will automatically keep your PC upto date.. Alternatively, you can check for

updates using the following method.

How to update windows 10 PC..

1) Press Windows + I Keys

2) Click Update & security

3) Click on Windows Update on the left pane..

4) You can find some options, on the right pane.. Find and click on Check for Updates..

How do i keep my computer up to date in Windows 10 [Solved]

That's it..

It will start downloading the Updates, if they are available..

Don't forget to connect your PC to internet before following the above steps..

Hope it is helpful.

Are you a beginner ? then below is a link to find all the beginner articles that may help you in

various stages and in mastering basics of Windows 10, just click on the below link to view..

Click to read all basic tutorials..