Find Bios Version of your Windows 10 PC - Using Powershell {Guide]

Find Bios Version of your Windows 10 PC - Using Powershell {Guide]

Find Bios Version of your Windows 10 using powershell - That's what i gonna show you in this Post.

Since i wrote a tutorial based on Powershell very long ago,i thought it would be better if i explain

Something with the help of powershell today. So i decided to show you a basic tutorial which will

help you to find out your Bios version using powershell of Windows 10.

Do you need any software ?

No, you just need powershell, but luckily you don't need to install that too, because its already

installed on your Windows 10 PC ( Inbuilt).

Ok, how to find ?

There are many ways available for you, so that you can check the Bios version in windows 10 like

using Cmd, registry and using ms console (msinfo32)

But, in this post, i like to explain it with powershell.

What You need to do is to just execute the following command on your powershell to find the

bios version of  your computer.

1) Open powershell

[See : How to open powershell in Windows 10]

2) Type the following command

[Click on the image to view Full size]

Get-WmiObject -Class -Win32_bios

3) Hit Enter

That's it..

You have done 👌👌✌✌


Hope it is helpful.