Disable Currency Converter in Opera browser [Guide]

Disable Currency Converter in Opera browser [Guide]

Turn off or disable Currency Converter in Opera browser - That's what we gonna see in this post..

Even if you are not a fan of Opera browser, you will love it for its simplicity and some features other

browsers lack like inbuilt VPN, turbo page loader, with latest being currency converter.

Though this feature is loved by most of the people, sometimes it may cause distraction to us, which

will make us to think the way of disabling it..

So, if you had planned to disable the Currency convertor that comes with latest Opera browser,then

here is an guide..

                                                     Image result for opera

Image credit : Opera

How to disable currency convertor in Opera browser 

(or )

How to turn off currency convertor in Windows 10..

1) Open Opera browser

2) Go to Opera menu - > settings

(or) Simply Press Alt + P keys together in your keyboard

3) Click on Browser 

4) Now, on your right pane, Find the option "On text selection convert currency to ", which will be present under User interface option.

5) Uncheck the box

That's it..

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