Connect to WiFi network in Windows 10 - how to [Beginner's guide] [Solved]

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Connect to WiFi network in Windows 10 - how to [Beginner's guide] [Solved]

Connect to WiFi network in Windows 10 - That's what we gonna see in this post...

Works on Windows 10

Creators Update, Windows 10 Anniversary Update, and other editions of Windows like Windows 10

earlier builds like Aug 2015 and Nov 2015 builds...

When it comes to PC, particularly Windows 10 IoT things are common, so you need Internet

connection for every basic things you do ..So there comes the first step of Connecting your PC to


So, in this post let's see how to connect my PC to WiFi internet.

Do you need any software ?

No, you don't need an software to connect your PC to internet, just follow the below steps

How to turn on WiFi on Windows 10

1) Login to your Windows 10

2) Look for the WiFi icon on the taskbar ( The line that has Windows icon at the first (Start menu),

and date and time at the last)

3) Click on it

4) It will display the available WiFi networks there, if it says no Wireless network found, then you

need to turn on your router device,if you are connecting to someone's WiFi ask them to turn hotspot


[See : How to turn on hotspot in Windows 10]

5) Click the network you wish to connect

6) It will expand and ask whether you want to connect automatically.

7) Check the box, and click connect

8) Enter your WiFi Password if asked and click Connect

9) It will show Connected, secured if your windows 10 desktop or windows 10 laptop device successfully connected to internet.

10) if it says, Only Secured instead of Connected,secured then, you had entered the password


11) Forget the WiFi network

and repeat the same steps until it shows connected, secured..

[See : How to forget a wifi network in Windows 10 ]

Hope it is helpful.

That's it...

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