Turn live tiles on or Off settings in Windows 10 - How to [Updated]

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Turn live tiles on or Off settings in Windows 10 - How to [Updated]

Windows 10 has an option like its predecessor Operating System known as live tiles.

What is live tiles in windows 10?

This live tiles are nothing but the option used to display the latest updates about the particular task 

like update change in Weather using this live tiles. this will consume our bandwidth by running on 

our Background.

lot, of us don't like this live tiles because of the above reason,but there are some people who likes it 

mainly for their usefulness. 

So, in this post let's see how to turn on live tiles on Windows 10 if it was not working and how to 

turn off live tiles in Windows 10.

How to do it...?

Just follow the below steps.

How to turn off live tiles on Windows 10

1) Click on the Start button

2) It will display the live of items on the right pane

3) Right click on the tile you wish to turn off

4) It will display options like unpin from start, Resize and More,on that click on More.(See screenshot posted below)

5) Now,you will find the option "Turn live tile on or off" or turn live tile off  Click on it..

6) It will change into the Normal icon,which confirms your live tile is OFF.

like this, you can turn off all live tiles on Windows 10 desktop, also you don't need gpo or registry to turn off  or reset this live tile.

How to turn on live tiles on Windows 10

1) Click on the Start button

2) It will display the live of items on the right pane

3) Right click on the tile you wish to turn on

4) It will display options like unpin from start, Resize and More,on that click on More.

5) Now,you will find the option Turn live tile on  Click on it..

6) It will now change into different icon,which confirms your live tile is ON.

Note, if  Windows 10 live tiles is not working, then you need to makesure the live tiles will work for that app/option, for example We can't set live tiles for Alarm and clock.

That's it✌✌..

Hope it is helpful.