Taskbar showing on top of Full screen in Windows 10,especially while watching videos - [Solution]

Taskbar showing on top of Full screen in Windows 10,especially while watching videos - [Solution]

I had recently found this problem,whenever i had watched videos on sites like YouTube,and its

similar sites i had a strange issue the task bar of Windows seems to be showing even in full screen

mode.i had tried enabling auto -hide option  but that no result.

I guess it is a bug on Microsoft Windows 10 because that happens even i had used different browsers

like Firefox instead of Chrome.

I had made couple of try which seems to worked for me and my friends so i like to share the way here..

Solution 1 : Restarting Explorer

1) Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys.

2) it will Open Task manager,on that

3) click on  Processes tab (it will be the default option when it opens)

4) Scroll down and  Find "Windows Explorer",

If you have already opened file explorer/this pc then you can see Windows Explorer in Apps area,else

It will be usually on Windows Processes if you hadn't opened any window

5) Click Restart..

That's it.

Solution 2 : Restarting PC

This Solution seems less productive then the above mentioned,but you can give it a try when the above method failed to work.

1) Press start button

2) click on Power button and select restart

Alternatively,you can use Powershell to restart your computer.

1) Launch powershell

Type the following command


3) Hit enter..

That's it.

Hope it helps.