How to find the Version of Microsoft Edge browser

How to find the Version of Microsoft Edge browser

With the announcement of an update to Microsoft Edge where Microsoft claims its gonna include

sand box or virtual like protection in Microsoft Edge some of us are eagerly waiting for the Update..

But what's important is we need to check whether we had already installed the latest version of

Microsoft Edge or not which would help us in not wasting our time and not being around our PC for

such time to find out what's new in this browser or software..

So in this tutorial,let's see how to check the version of Our Microsoft Edge Browser..

Do you need any additional software??

No,we just need the Edge browser.

How to do it ??

Just follow the below steps..

1) Launch Microsoft Edge.

you can do this by pressing windows key-> Typing Edge -> Select the top most result " Microsoft Edge".

2) Click on the ... dot icon located on the top right.

3) Select Settings.

4) When you clicked,you can see the change in screen..

It will display many options like Choose a theme,Open Microsoft edge with,Open new tabs with,etc.

5) Scroll down until you find an option "About this App"

How to find the Version of Microsoft Edge browser

In the About this App,you can find the version of your Microsoft Edge browser in use..

I don't know the version of Edge that gonna get that sand box feature but i guess it will be included

in the upcoming Creators Build of Windows 10.

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