How to Stop Windows 10 from installing unwanted store apps [Tutorial]

How to Stop Windows 10 from installing unwanted store apps [Tutorial]

Does your Windows 10 downloads Candy Crush and other unwanted apps automatically?? then here

is your guide to disable.

let's see how to stop Windows from auto downloading of Windows Store Apps..

Follow my steps..

[Video Tutorial]

There are two methods using which we can use to solve the problem.

One is based on regedit and another is based on command..

Let's see how to do that..

1) Press Windows + R -> Type regedit - > Hit enter.

2) Navigate to following registry..


If you have no Option named WindowsStore,then

3) Right Click on the Microsoft area

4) Select New - > Key.

5) Name it as WindowsStore.

6) Now,again right click on the right pane and Select Dword.

Note : You must select DWORD even you are using 64 bit edition of Windows 10.

7) Set its name as AutoDownload and its value data to 2.

8) Close the Window...

If you are using other builds(especially 10586) then the above mayn't work for you sometimes..

So,you need to follow the upcoming registry tweak...

9) Navigate to the following registry..


10) Now,right click on the Windows folder and select New-> Key

name the key as CloudContent

and follow the remaining steps..

Create a new DWORD on the right pane and name it as DisableConsumerFeatures

Set its value data to 2 or 1.

2 will work in most cases..

If the above method seems hadn't worked in your Windows 10 Build 1607 anniversary Update edition,

then try these steps..

11) Press Windows + R - > type Secpol.msc

12) Select Application Control Policies

13) Expand Applocker on left pane.

14) Click on Packaged App Rules

15) Now,on your right pane,right click and select "Create new rule"

16) When you clicked it will open a new window with Before you begin,Permissions and some other options on left pane

17) Select Permissions tab.

18) On the right pane,you can find Action button select Deny on that and click Next.

[Video Tutorial]

19) On the next Window,select the dot Use an installed packaged app as reference.

20) Click on  "Select "

21) It will pop up another window,on that scroll down and check the box "Windows Spotlight"

22) Click OK.

23) Again click on Create.

24) Restart Your PC for Changes to take effect..

That's it..

Hope it is helpful.


Windows 10 installs candy crush,windows 10 installs updates without permission,windows 10 installs apps without permission

stop windows 10 from installing apps,remove candy crush windows 10 all users,disable windows consumer features.disablewindowsconsumerfeatures,windows 10 keeps reinstalling apps.