How to install Google Noto Fonts in Windows 10 [Tutorial]

How to install Google Noto Fonts in Windows 10 [Tutorial]

Google had launched the world's best collection of font family known as Google Noto for languages

that were in the writing format.Since it is an open source project we can download and install any

font of our language.In this article let's see how to install this awesome font on our PC.

Some facts...

Google Noto was launched to overcome typo language errors which they called tofu.You may had

seen that error (a little square box appearing instead of texts while entering some texts in sites,which

is because of the language not recognized error) to rectify the above error this five year project was

made into success and was launched officially.

It supports nearly 800 languages..

Since it is an Open source project as mentioned earlier,we can use this fonts for any projects free of


OK,let's see how to install it..

[Video tutorial on how to do it]

You need 472MB of data to download the entire fonts collection(whether you need or not .!)if you

have no such data or if you think spending such amount of data is waste,then,

We have an alternative option  which is, downloading only selected fonts(which won't take MB's.)

Well,here is how to download and install it..

1) First Visit this official link.

2) If You planned to download entire collection then you can make the process done,by clicking on Download All fonts option.


3) Click on the search bar

4) Type the name of the language for which you need the font for..Example : English,Algerian,Tamil,telugu,etc..

5) Press Enter Key.

6) Scroll down,it will show the list of fonts available for that language,

Click on the Download button.

The download time will take some time depending on the size and your internet speed.

7) Click on the Zip file that was downloaded,open it.

You can try softwares like 7Zip,Winrar,Winzip to extract it.

8) Just click on TrueTypeFont file

9) Click Install button.

[You need some administrator permissions,if UAC prompts out,select Yes ]

10) When the Install button grayed out close the Window.

That's it..

You're done.

Comment if you have any doubts..