How to remove/disable/turn off Material design of Google Chrome

How to remove/disable/turn off Material design of Google Chrome

Google Chrome 53 has some new improvements it has some new UI(User Interface ) which is

nothing but design and some performance improvements.

Things they had changed...

1) A new colorful new tab.

2) Small bookmark icon

3) Downloads page design.

4) A new orange color based logo that replaces the google chrome's default logo.

5) A new icon for customizing and control. and much more...

[Check this link to find complete things]

Well,some of our blog's followers contacted me and asked me to create a video tutorial to show how

to remove this Material design of google chrome.which is nothing but method to remove chrome


So in this post i herewith sharing the video created for them,if you too wish to know the way of

disabling the material theme then just follow those steps..

[Video tutorial]

Works on all latest version of chrome running on Mac,Windows 10,8.1,etc..

1) Open google Chrome

2) On the Address bar,type Chrome://flags -> Hit enter Key..

3) Scroll down and find Material Design in the browser's top chrome

You can use Find option to get that option which can be done by Pressing Ctrl + F keys simultaneously.

4) Click on Default,clicking on it will result in appearing of some options like Non-material,Material,Material Hybrid,etc.. 

5) On that select Non-Material (or ) Change it to Non-Material.

6) Scroll down and click Relaunch Chrome.

7) Clicking on it will restart Chrome..

8) After restarting process you can get your old chrome back..

That's it..

Hope it is helpful.