How to hide email address displaying on login screen in Windows 10

How to hide email address displaying on login screen in Windows 10

People Worrying about Privacy tends to increase day by day whether its for servers being hacked and

their information are made public..! or some other things that may affect privacy(including the one

that's shown in this tut..) whatever it may,they feel bad when it comes to personal information.If you

are using Windows latest versions then you may had seen your email address being displayed on the

login screen,which may pave the way for your privacy to risk,such things happen when we use/open

our PC(mainly laptops) on public places,as the person near you, can spam your email address when

s/he knows your email ,anyone can send a mail when he/she knows other persons e-mail id right??

So here is an tutorial which will prevent your email id from displaying on login screen or sign-in


Do i need any software?? 

Well,the answer is No.! but you need an latest or updated build of  Windows 10.(like 1607)

[See: How to check for upgrade.]

[See : How to manually install an latest Windows 10 OS if you are a beginner]

How to do it ??

Just follow the upcoming steps.

[Video tutorial]

1) Login to your PC.

2) Press Windows + I which will open you Settings app instantly.

3) Select Accounts

4) Click on Sign-in options tab which will be available as three option on the left pane.

5) Scroll down and look for an option "Show account details( address) on sign-in screen"

Which will be under Privacy field.

6) Click /Slide towards left side so that it becomes OFF.

That's it.

Now,visit your login / sign-in screen you may find email address not displaying there..
