Notify or disable USB errors in Windows 10 [Windows 10 Anniversary Update] [Tutorial]

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Notify or disable USB errors in Windows 10 [Windows 10 Anniversary Update] [Tutorial]

How to Make Windows Notify USB errors in Windows 10 or How to turn on or turn off usb error notifications in Windows 10, that's what we're going to see in this post.

Windows 10 anniversary Update brings some couple of new changes,though they are already available inside OS which only needs some time to discover them in earlier versions of Windows 10.

In order to make Windows 10 more user friendly such options are made available with a mindset of encouraging users to customize them.So here is an tutorial based on Windows 10 Anniversary update 2016 which explains the concept of notifying USB problems.

This option is turned on by default in most of the PC's,but in some PC's its still off,so if your pc is on the list were such option is OFF,then here is your guide to turn it on again and vice versa.

Just follow the upcoming steps...

How to enable or disable USB errors in Windows 10

1. Login to your PC.

2. Press Windows + i ,which will open settings

[See : Different ways of opening settings] 

3. Click on Devices.

4.Click on USB on the left pane.

"USB field will be available as last option"

5. Look on right pane,there will be an option "Notify me if there are issues connecting to USB devices"

6.Under that there will be something that look like button,simply slide it towards right side/Click on right side of the button.

That's it...