How to replace Windows Spotlight with SlideShow after Windows 10 Anniversary Update [Tutorial]

How to replace Windows Spotlight with SlideShow after Windows 10 Anniversary Update [Tutorial]

People who updated to latest version of Windows 10 i.e.,Windows Anniversary update 2016 seems

to be in little bit of frustration as most of common things they used(in Windows 10 earlier 

build,windows 8.1,etc) were changed to provide better user

experience...One of the feature changed was Lock Screen slide show.People who had set this option 

in previous editions will no longer see the pics rotating/cycling/Slide show on lock screen this is 

because Microsoft replaced the setting,so that it will show a standard background pic known as 

Windows Spotlight.

So here is an tutorial to show how to get back the slideshow in your lock screen.

Just follow my steps on your PC...

Works on all Windows 10 editions.

1) Press Windows + I which will open you Settings app instantly.

2) Select Personalization.

3) Click on Lock Screen tab on the left pane

(The lock screen field will be available as 3rd one).

4) When you clicked you can see the "Background" and other items

5) Click on Windows Spotlight... under that background text.

6) Select Slide Show..

7) If you wish you can add your Pic folder by selecting Add a folder to show slideshow/cycling of folders on lock screen,else leave it blank it will show those pictures from (My)Pictures ..

That's it...

Hope it is helpful.

Incoming Search results...

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