How to disable tab previews on Microsoft Edge after Windows 10 Anniversary Update [Tutorial]

How to disable tab previews on Microsoft Edge after Windows 10 Anniversary Update [Tutorial]

Tab Previews the Option that was included in Microsoft edge can be used for both purpose.Some

May like it and Some other may dislike it.Though this was an useful option for providing a quick

look of the near tabs it was disliked by Some users and they are actively searching for a working way

to disable this.First let's see what we are actually talking about...

What is Tab Previews??

If you don't know what is tab preview then let me explain in simple words..

When you have two or more tabs opened in your Microsoft edge browser and when you point your

mouse to the nearest tab (without clicking the tab) the tabs content will be shown as preview Such

option was called tab preview.

How to disable it ???

We had disabled this option before updating to our latest Anniversary update by doing some registry

tweaks but it was restored after Windows 10 Anniversary Update Which lead me to rewrite this post

with proof how it works...

It involves creating a new registry key.Even if you don't know anything about registry don't worry

check the below video tutorial created for you (if you have difficulty in following below steps)

where i had explained the steps as best i can.

[Video Tutorial]

Ok,let's see how to disable this...

1) Press Windows Key and type regedit.

2) Select the top most result "Regedit (Run Command)"

3) If UAC(User Account Control) Pops up select "YES"

4) Navigate to the following...

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppContainer\Storage\microsoft.microsoftedge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\MicrosoftEdge\TabbedBrowsing

5) When you are there,right click your mouse on any  empty area  of the right pane..

6) Select New - > Dword(32-bit) value.

7) Name it as TabPeekEnabled

8) Now double click/Single click on the dword you created and Makesure the Value was '0' on the 

value data field,which was the default value. If not,then change/set its value to 0 by clicking and 

editing on the value data field.

10) Now,restart your edge browser...

You Can find the tab preview was gone..!
